Customer has four different applications for their external users for promotion, sales, order management, order tracking etc. for the healthcare services they offer.
User adoption was the problem as users must maintain different credentials for different applications. Online sales figures were decreasing.
Three out of four applications were Salesforce community and fourth application was built on Site core.
Salesforce is used as a back-end for data storage, Salesforce community and site-core website is used as front end to offer 360 view of customer data and complete sales process.

Strategic Direction
All user login needs to be consolidated into one System to achieve the single source of truth for password management, user management, user registration and access management.
- External users (customer) are familiar with their old current system and see no reason to change other than if they were directed to (by mandate).
- Common login gateway should be dynamic enough so that users are not confused to which application they are login. For example, if user is trying to access application B the login page of the gateway application should give look and feel for application B instead of gateway application.
New Salesforce community was setup to authenticate and authorize customers at run-time to give appropriate access. To increase the user adoption and to reduce multiple user registration process, single registration process was implemented. Customers were also allowed Social login options like LinkedIn and Facebook.